Permission Forms

  • Instructions for Completing/Uploading Required Summer Camp Health Information
    These instructions walk you through the process of completing and uploading the two required health information forms: your camper's health history (on line form), and your campers physical/immunization record.
  • Camp Nonesuch Gazette
    This download contains an overview of many of our policies and procedures including our health care, discipline, hiring, and traffic control policies and a summary of what to bring to camp.
  • Base Activity Description Catalog
    Descriptions of Activities (please note this is a much larger list than what may be offered in any particular session).
  • Guest Form: We are evaluating our Guest Program for the 2024 season.
    Our Guest Program was suspended for the 2022 Camp Season and we are currently evaluating the policy for the 2024 camp season.

    Campers may bring one camp age guest per session. Guests cannot attend the first Monday and Tuesday of a session. Guest forms must be completed and turned in one day in advance of the visit. Camp Nonesuch reserves the right to limit the number of guests that it hosts on any given day due to program restrictions (early drop off and late pick up services cannot be provided for guests). Please note that the parent of the guest must complete part of the Guest Form.
  • Authorization to Administer Medication
    If your son or daughter requires a prescribed medication (epi-pen, ect), please complete this form and submit it to the camp.  For enrolled campers this form can be uploaded in your camp account. For guests, please download, complete and bring the form in with the medication.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) provides information for parents regarding Summer Camp for Children.  The following link provides information for parents about choosing summer camps: Recreational Camp Information for Parents. 

Please see the Massachusetts Department of Public Health informational bulletin on meningococcal disease below.

Meningococcal Disease and Camp Attendees: Commonly Asked Questions

Policies & Procedures

List of 10 items.

  • Anti-Idling Regulation

    Please be aware that there is a No Idling regulation in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. "No Idling, Penalties of $100.00 for First Offense and $500.00 for Second and Subsequent Offenses" M.G.L. 90 § 16B and 540 CMR 27.00
  • Sun Exposure Policy

    Camp Nonesuch recognizes the need to reduce sun exposure for both campers and staff members. Campers and staff are encouraged to use sunscreen (SPF30 or greater) which is available on the waterfront and also in the nurses cabin. While campers will be reminded of using sunscreen and lip balm, it is our expectation that they will apply it themselves (unless they ask for assistance). Announcements are made often about the need to reduce sun exposure at morning flagpole and other times during the day. Campers are discouraged from playing sports without their shirts.   Colored “pinnies” are provided for designating teams during sports activities. Water breaks are taken frequently, especially during hot and sunny weather.
  • Discipline Policy

    Staff members at Camp Nonesuch adhere to the following camp discipline policy:

    It is the purpose of the camp to serve all campers enrolled at the camp, as a result Camp Nonesuch reserves the right to remove campers from activities when those campers' behaviors become disruptive to the activity or group.

    * If a camper becomes unruly, the activity leader will attempt to counsel the child in an effort to moderate the camper's behavior.

    * If the misbehavior continues, the camper will be taken to the camp office. Administrative staff will talk with the camper and determine appropriate action. This may include a "time out," or "cooling off" period at the camp office before the camper is allowed to return to his/her activity.

    Administrative staff will determine if a call home to parents is warranted. Chronic misbehavior or egregious acts may result in dismissal of the camper from camp. This decision will be made by the camp director or his designee in his absence.

    • Under no circumstances will corporal punishment, including spanking, be administered at Camp Nonesuch

    • No camper shall be subjected to cruel or sever punishment, humilation, or verbal abuse

    • No camper shall be denied food or shelter as a form of punishment.

    • No child shall be punished for soiling, wetting or not using the toilet.
  • Health Requirements

    Please make sure that your child's health forms are complete and into the camp office on time. The camp requires that all campers have a physical within 12 months of attending camp. If your child has already had a physical for school or sports, you may photocopy the physician's statement and attach it to the Camp Nonesuch form. Please be sure all immunizations are up to date.

    Note that the camp utilizes two health forms. One is an emergency information/permission to treat form that must be completed by the camper's parent or guardian. The other is a physician's statement. Both forms must be on file at the camp in order for a child to attend camp.

    Be sure to include all telephone numbers requested on the forms. We require that there be an emergency number of an adult other than a parent or guardian on our emergency health form should we be unable to reach you in an emergency. Be assured that our first priority in any emergency is the care and well being of your child. We will make every effort to contact you first, then move through the emergency numbers in the order that you have listed them.
  • Immunizations Required

    Polio:  4 doses; 4th dose must be given on or after the 4th birthday and >= 6 months after the previous dose, or a 5th dose is required.  3 doses are acceptable if the 3rd dose is given on or after the 4th birthday and >=6 months after the previous dose.
    DTaP:  Grades K-6th5 doses; 4 doses are acceptable if the 4th dose is given on or after the 4th birthday.  DT is only acceptable with a letter stating a medical contraindication to DTaP.  
    Tdap:  Grades 7-12: dose; and history of DTaP primary series or age-appropriate catch up vaccination.  Tdap given at >= 7 years may be counted, but a dose at age 11-12 is recommended if Tdap was given earlier s part of a catch-up schedule.  Td or Tdap should be given if it has been >= 10 years since Tdap.
    MMR:  2 doses; first dose must be given on or after the 1st birthday and the 2nd dose must be given >= 28 days after first dose; laboratory evidence of immunity acceptable.
    Hepatitis B: 3 doses; laboratory evidence of immunity acceptable.
    Varicella:  2 doses; first dose must be given on or after the 1st birthday and 2nd dose must be  given >= 28 days after  first dose.  A reliable history of chicken pox (reliable history includes a diagnosis of chickenpox, or interpretation of parent/guardian description of chickenpox by a physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or designee).
    MenACWY (formerly MCV4); Grade 7-10: 1 dose MenACWY required.
    COVID-19:  If your camper has been vaccinated for COVID 19, please be sure that information is included on your camper’s immunization record.
  • Injured or ill campers

    Should a camper become ill during the camp day, the camp health provider will treat the camper as prescribed in the camp's Standing Orders. The camper will be allowed to rest in the nurse's cabin before returning to his/her activity. The camper will be allowed to return to his/her activity as long as the injury/illness does not require additional treatment. Decisions to send a camper back to his/her activities will be made by the camp health care provider.

    Parents will be notified to take a camper home or to their doctor in the following situations or when the camp health care provider deems it appropriate:

    * Upset stomach/stomach ache
    * Vomiting
    * Toothache
    * Sore Throat
    * Animal Bites
    * Convulsions
    * Earache
    * Eye Injury
    * Fractures
    * Severe and/or Persistent Headache
    * Fever
    * Sprains or Strains (depending on severity)

    We strongly discourage parents/guardians sending children who are ill to camp in the morning. If your child will not attend camp, please call and let us know.

    In the event emergency services are needed, campers will be transported to the hospital by ambulance. Please note that ambulance crews are required by law to transport injured to the nearest hospital. Whenever possible, the camp will attempt to have injured campers transported to The Newton-Wellesley Hospital.
  • Late arrivals or early dismissal

    Any camper arriving late to camp must be signed in by his/her parent or guardian at the camp office. Any camper leaving camp early for the day must be signed out by his/her parent or guardian at the office.

    For 2021, parents should call the camp when they arrive (508-655-8118) and a staff member will come to the parking area with the sign in, sign out book.
  • Parent/Guardian Right to Review Policies

    Parents/Guardian's have the right to review background check, health care, discipline policies  and grievance procedures upon request (per 105 CMR 430.190(D))
  • Pick-up and Drop-Off Policy

    Campers will only be dismissed to their parents/guardian's or any adult authorized (Authorized Adult) by the campers parent/guardian.  Authorized adults may be added in your camp account.  If you add additinal authorized adults during the camp season, please contacct the camp office so we can be sure to update our records!

    For the safety of your children, we ask that parents and guardians respect and abide by the following morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times. Campers enrolled in the morning or afternoon extended-day program have different drop off and pick-up times.

    Morning Drop Off: Please do not drop your children off prior to 8:45 a.m. unless you have elected to participate in Morning Early Drop-Off program.

    Afternoon Pick Up: Pick up time in the afternoon is between 3:45 - 4:00 p.m. unless campers are enrolled in the Afternoon Late Pick-Up program. Please note that this time may be adjusted when the season begins to best accommodate the needs of our camping families.

    When parents and the camp cooperate, we are able to get campers into camp and on their way home safely, quickly, and efficiently. We request your patience for the first few days of each session as we adjust to the transportation needs unique to each session. Please follow the direction of the Camp Nonesuch staff members who direct traffic into and out of the camp in the morning and afternoons.

    Campers who arrive late to camp or are picked up early must be signed in or out at the office by their parent or guardian.

    Parents/guardians of campers who do not arrive at camp in the morning will be called to verify the absence unless the camp has been notified about the absence by phone or note.

    If campers miss their ride or are not picked up, the parent/guardian will be called. The camper will remain at camp until a parent or guardian arrives at camp.
  • Traffic Control Policy

    The following plan has been put into effect to relieve traffic congestion on Indian Rock Road during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. We strive to provide the safest environment for your children. We must also respect the property and access of the residents who live along Indian Rock Road. Your cooperation is essential to maintain the safety of all campers and drivers and to eliminate any inconvenience to our neighbors. Please read the policy carefully and be sure that you share it with whoever drops off or picks up your child from camp!

    1. Please do not park and walk into camp to drop off or pick up your children. There is little extra room for two cars to pass along our drive with the added congestion of pedestrian traffic.

    2. During a.m. drop off and p.m. pick up, if the drive is backed up to the camp entrance, proceed to the circle at the end of Indian Rock Road to reverse direction. Return down Indian Rock Road to enter the camp (see map below). This will mean executing a right hand turn into the camp entrance instead of the usual left turn. As you line up along Indian Rock Road to enter the camp, please be courteous and do not block our neighbors' driveways. Nonesuch staff will be stationed along the road to assist with traffic control. Please follow their directions.

    3. Do not use our neighbors' driveways to turn around. This will save you less than a minute and it may cost you a citation of trespass in the event our neighbors become justifiably impatient with numerous cars using their driveways to turn around. Please put yourself in their shoes; would you want 25 to 30 cars using your driveway to turn around?

    Drivers who fail to follow the guidelines outlined above may place their child's camp enrollment in jeopardy. Only your cooperation will make this policy work! Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding!
CAMP NONESUCH    The Rivers School     333 Winter Street     Weston, Massachusetts 02493
Phone: (September - June) 781-235-9300     (June - August) 508-655-8118    Fax: 833-827-7084